Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ideas on eating 5 meals/day

This week may require some major preparation and planning, so I did some research I thought I'd share. The 5-small meals weekly challenge appears to be a great way to change up our metabolism, control appetite and blood sugar levels as well as further improve eating habits. In looking online I found the following tips on how to plan food and eating smaller meals multiple times a day. Anyone else find any helpful ideas?

LiveStrong suggests to write down the TIME you plan to eat each small meal (i.e. at 7 am, 10 am, 1 pm, 4 pm, 7 pm) and create a meal PLAN (with two back up ideas so your food is ready every 2-3 hours).

Here's one lady's idea for a meal plan:
Breakfast/Meal #1:
1 fruit, 1/2 C. V8 juice, 1 cup of herbal tea with lemon and a bit of honey, 2 oz. protein (i.e. turkey sausages, oatmeal or soy yogurt)
Meal #2:
1 fruit, 2 oz. protein (i.e. sliced baked chicken, turkey, or fish), a small piece sourdough bread/half baked potato or 1/2 C. rice/pasta, 1 vegetable or dip (i.e. hummus, guacamole, salsa, salad, steamed asparagus or broccoli, etc)
Meal #3:
2 oz. protein, 2 veggies, 1 fruit
Meal #4:
2 oz. protein, 1 veggies, 1 serving of grain
Meal #5:
2 oz. protein, 1 fruit, 1 veggie

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