Friday, October 8, 2010


You still two nights to get a full seven hours of sleep at night. How has this challenge been for you? Personally, I am one of those people who needs a good amount of rest, so I have to make this happen otherwise I don't function all too well during the day. Many of you expressed how this was going to be a hard challenge for you because of various reasons - babies, insomnia, work schedule and getting in your work-out before you leave in the morning, etc. I'm interested in hearing how getting a full nights rest has helped you, if at all. When I am well rested, and for me that means getting at least seven to eight hours of sleep, I function so much better during the day.
Let me and the rest of the group know how the weekly challenge has gone for you this week!

And feel free to share any other insights to how the other elements of the challenge are going for you!


  1. The seven hours of sleep has been great - I knew it would be, but it has been a long time since I have actually forced myself to go to bed on time.

    This week for some reason my workouts seem tough - even though I am doing the same stuff as last week! My calves are sore, but hopefully I will have nicer looking legs - just have to keep them that way and keep working on them until summer!

  2. week 2 has been very successful. i think it was a teeny bit harder, but still not too bad...yet.

    exercise was great... i did a p90x yoga video last night. it wasn't pretty. i am not in good shape. i used to be able to do a solid hour of yoga. i know i will work back up to it, but it's so frustrating not to be where i was before. :(

    7 hours of sleep a night is pretty easy for me as long as i go to bed at a decent hour. so that's been good.

    speaking of sleep... i had the worst dream this week... i dreamt that i ate a handful of nate's popcorn at 9:30 pm!! in my dream i was so mad at myself for making such a dumb mistake. when i woke up i was so relieved that it was just a dream. i think this challenge is messing with my head a bit. like someone else mentioned, i keep stopping myself before i eat anything to make sure it's not soda or treats, and also to make sure it's not past 8. hopefully it will become habit soon and i won't have to obsess about it so much.

  3. Still REALLY glad I'm doing this challenge, yet it does seem harder all around. Cravings have diminished a bit, still amazed with the self-awareness of how much I used to eat/snack, so I'm excited for the boost and veggie-goal this week! I love veggies.

    For last week...I adore sleep, but with a baby its been a distant acquaintance and this week my two kids woke multiple times each night. It was wonderful to force the 7+ hours each night and it truly makes a great impact in my day. The exercise goal is still good; exploring many new videos on netflicks and roku box, etc. Glad to feel stronger in my core and toned in my muscles! I like Malin's thought about the body and how we view it..any further insights on what people thought?

    A quote for the week:
    "Let my words, like vegetables, be tender and sweet, for tomorrow I may have to eat them."
    - Author Unknown
