Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week One is Almost Done

Just checking in....How did week 1 go? What have been your struggles? What have been your triumphs? How is your body feeling after doing all that exercise? Have your sugar withdrawls been bad or manageable?

For me, week one went pretty well. I decided to have tomorrow (Sunday) be my free day. Homemade apple crisp with vanilla ice cream is on the menu to be enjoyed after conference. I can't wait! My body is actually quite sore from a mixture of running two days, elliptical one day and two different aerobic/strength training videos the other days. Let's just say it's been a while since I've done muchas squats and my booty and legs are feeling it. I love it though.

  • What have you been doing for your workouts this week?
  • What substitutes for desserts have you used to keep yourself satisfied?
  • Any other insights regarding food journaling?
Please don't forget to send me your points for week 1 by tomorrow night. Let's make 9pm est the deadline. ***For this week, please e-mail just me your points. I'll have the list of everyone's points posted on the blog before I go to bed so you can see who your competition is.

Also, is everyone clear about the point system?


  1. I have had several surprises this week:
    - I am REALLY surprised how little I have craved sweets (I used fruit, veggies, & healthy cereal as a substitute)
    -I am surprised how sore I am
    -I am surprised how well I eat during the week, but crash & burn with my diet in the evenings & on the weekend
    -I am surprised how often I eat...constantly
    -I am surprised I earned 1 point for not eating past 8pm. i honestly didn't think I was ever going to do this one (the rest of the days I ate dinner after 10pm)

    All & all it's been a good week.

  2. andrea! i thought you were going to be one of the people to beat. eating after 8pm?!? i'm shocked!! ;) just kidding, i was actually surprised by how hard that was too. it took a lot of conscious effort on my part to 1. make sure that i had a plan for dinner, and 2. that i didn't just mindlessly snack on popcorn or chips or whatever in the evenings. but i honestly think that this rule will be one of the most beneficial for me, as i can eat so well all day, and then at night i WANT to munch, but since i have told myself i can't, i don't.

    not eating sweets hasn't been too bad at all. there were a couple of times where i really wanted some (mostly in the evening) but for the most part, i am fine, especially knowing that i can have some on sunday. we'll see how long i can keep up that attitude.

    i am surprised by how sore i am as well. i think it was the inner thigh machine at the gym that did me in. this week i ran 3 times, and did the bike at the gym twice.

    week one was a success. now i just need to weigh myself to see if i lost a pound!

  3. Hey guys. This week went pretty good.
    I haven't seen Al much at all this week, so I feel like a single parent. He has been doing 8a to 11pm and he worked from 5 am wednesday to 5 am thursday, came home and slept for an hour before heading out until 10 that thursday night. Thank goodness it is usually not this hectic and right now I am just thankful he is working! But his "schedule" has made things even harder, I am much more likely to snack after the kids are in bed when he is not home!

    I think the biggest surprise was how poorly my kids have been eating. I threw out everything that I thought would tempt me and that would be bad for me. Elizabeth has been asking for some of the stuff I chucked! I didn't realize how often they must have been snacking on that stuff.

    Next weeks challenge - the 7 hours is going to be challenging. I know I REALLY need to get into that habit. But I always find more things to finish before I go to bed . . . then it suddenly 1 am and I should have been in bed hours ago.

    Just weighed myself - I lost 1.5 pounds, woo hoo.

  4. I really didn't do well this week. I moved to VA this summer and started commuting 4 1/2 hours a day to and from DC for a temp job. I did not get in the 30 minutes of exercise each day.

    In addition, I spent some time with friends and eating desserts is such a social thing! I really struggled to turn things down. Needless to say, this was a low-point week for me.

    I have most enjoyed the push to read my scriptures every day. I'm doing my best and this week was bad. I'm hoping that this next week will be better!

  5. I'm with Andrea--not eating after 8 is the hardest. Not in terms of willpower, but just in terms of getting home from work in time to eat before 8. Or making dinner plans at 7 and ordering and eating it all before 8...though I did manage to skip ordering a peach shake for dessert when I really wanted it!

  6. Those of you who know me best will not be surprised that so far I have zero points in the no soda category. Every night I would plan to try the next morning and then every morning I couldn't face not having a diet coke. Today I'm really trying, though.

    I had to travel for work this weekend and found the no treats thing really helped me control what is often a free for all of crap.

    My free dessert was eaten at Woodfire Grill in Atlanta, which is the restaurant owned by Kevin from last season of Top Chef. The whole meal was amazing....

  7. I can't tell you how many times I took a drink of just water and thought "am I allowed to have this?" I think that has to do with being more conscious of what I'm eating, and also, after 8pm I feel like it's Fast Sunday. I like to eat nuts these days to stave off the craving for those chocolate cupcakes that are still hanging around from my daughter's birthday.

  8. This is such a great time to be doing these healthy improvements in my life!! I really needed this push to do what I know I ought to do anyway. I've discovered quite a few interesting things the first week:
    - It feels great to exercise regularly again! Its certainly a challenge to fit it into my day, but I'm already feeling physically stronger, better posture, etc.
    - I had many more "emotional eating" moments than I thought. Often when the kids were "hard" I automatically thought "what can I eat to reward myself for enduring this/that??" I've learned that FOOD was the quickest, easiest way to reward and now I need to find/do other ways.
    - Learning to eat more of all the right foods, balanced hearty meals so I don't snack all day.
    - Not eating after 8pm is also a challenge.

    I'm finding other satisfying snacks, like dried fruit, nuts, grapes, crackers/cheese, etc. as well as drinking more water when I feel hungry. (Worth noting: Trader Joes has some great snacks, including dried banana!! Yum. Only $1.30 for a pack and it gives a nice chew instead of licorice without any additives/sugars!)

    So glad the first week was a success! Must. Keep. Going... :)
