Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Candy and Veggie Recipes

Well I have managed to avoid Halloween Candy yesterday and today.  I think the hard part is next week . . . especially when Elizabeth is in school and Al is down for a nap  - and those two bags of candy staring me in the face.  About the only thing I can do is ignore it and make sure the kids eat it - fast!  How are you all planning on avoiding it?  Sheer will power and gritted teeth?

I have been meaning to post since the vegetable challenge week.  Rebecca asked for recipes.  My recipes are not exact but my kids eat them so that is good.

Veggie Soup
My mom made this all the time it is a great way to use a lot of veggies.

Start with broth.  I use beef or chicken bullion added to water.
Then add whatever you have.  The following is a list of what I sometimes put in.
Sweet Potatoes
black beans
white beans
kidney beans
pinto beans
really anything you have.  It is also nice if you have leftover chicken or beef and throw that in - makes my husband happier when I do!

Ok, I am going to have to post the other two or three recipes I have later tonight or tomorrow. AJ just woke up - he is working on two more teeth.  Wish me luck tonight :).

1 comment:

  1. i'm resisting the candy and cupcakes on sheer willpower. i had my free day saturday, and that ended up being a mistake. so much temptation yesterday. oh well. i know i can do it, it's just no fun at all. my kids got so much candy this year. would i be a bad mom if i just threw it away??
